Forum: Community Center

Subject: Does anyone know how to contact....?

arrowhead42 opened this issue on Feb 15, 2021 ยท 28 posts

trendmaster posted Sun, 28 February 2021 at 2:54 AM

Can you confirm that your path in the registry looks like this after you exported and entered the new reg file into your registry with a doubeclick?

HKEY_CURRENT_USER""Software""Steve Cox_Consulting""UVMapper

Please note: The key should be under HKEY_CURRENT_USER and not HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

Mark the key UVMapper within your registry and you should see a value name and your long key code that you exported from the ntuser.dat file.

Please also note: the bought version is different from the demo version that's available for download on the website - your registry key will not work with a demo version of UVMapperPro! If the help menu about box says "Unregistered Demo Version" you'll need to replace it with the original program that you bought.