Forum: Poser 12

Subject: Morph Transfer Algorithm

unrealblue opened this issue on Feb 08, 2021 ยท 13 posts

unrealblue posted Mon, 15 February 2021 at 1:31 AM

I created "donor" rigs for La Femme that use the old cylinders and spheres for joints. I found that this transfers much smoother and more predictably. It's obvious how the morph vectors at each point are done for the spheres/cylinders. After transferring the rig of spheres/cylinders, I bake them into weigh maps in the new mesh. This produces a MUCH better result that transferring even a high res WM from one mesh to another. If the meshes are similar, the transfer requires nearly no tuning. It doesn't matter how much the actual mesh geometry is. So long as the shape (especially the openings at joints) are similar. It's easy and accurate to bake from sphere to WM. But messy to transfer from mesh to mesh as WM. Even skin tight transfers better this way.

That's just what I've found.