Forum: Poser 12

Subject: Morph Transfer Algorithm

unrealblue opened this issue on Feb 08, 2021 ยท 13 posts

unrealblue posted Tue, 09 February 2021 at 9:08 PM

I've used the HR clothing devs. Most times they're better. I assume, given what Ken said, they were done painstakingly, since Poser doesn't help much with transferring.

One thing I've noticed is the dev rigs. This is, the bends (and JCMs) behave differently at a joint, depending on the clothing. An example (real one). jockeys. The edge is right at the joint. When the joint bends, the edge actually slips (that is, the skin slides under the edge). Think "wedgie". So a tights/pants donor rig really doesn't do well for that. Same thing happens for singlet (sleeveless) at the shoulder. Or straps. Movement of skin is way different that the covering cloth. Of course, dynamic would rock but then it has no concept of elasticity or any way to hold thickness at the edge. We really need more clothing donors. I'm considering that, as a freebie dev thing. It would he super helpful for morph transfers to be able to mirror them. selecting the actors to include, and what the mirrored actors are. I have scripts that help. For instance, mirror a JCM.

for instance, JCMrThighFwd. This morph is actually spread across 2 actors: rThigh and hip. On hip, it needs to mirror, and for rThigh, it needs to mirror and transfer to lThigh. In both cases, it needs to rename and setup master(s). This really should be built in.

But... but... the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Here's a question, then, for people that know more about Poser, it's rigging, and morph transfers. Would it be better to just create a pretty simple high res largely straight quad "donor" mesh/rig? It's only for containing a sh*tpile of points, with morph vectors, that through some "black box" no one understands, is used to create corresponding vectors for the vertices of another mesh.

This was why it would be helpful to understand how poser calculates its transfer. Would it be better to use quads or tris? Is it using normals? Is it just doing distance? Weighting somehow?

philc did this. His stuff worked pretty well, iirc. I always wanted to know the math, there :)