Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Black Panther

rokket opened this issue on Oct 11, 2020 ยท 411 posts

rokket posted Mon, 08 February 2021 at 5:59 PM

Miss B posted at 5:58PM Mon, 08 February 2021 - #4412318

I've been using Blender for years, so I'm used to its UV Editor. Offhand, I can only think of one person who does good tutorials, and he's a member here, but most of his are for 3DMax, and some he also does for Blender, but I don't recall if he's ever done any for the Blender built-in goodies such as the UV Editor.

OK, I just checked his YouTube Channel, and I don't see anything like what you're looking for.

Thanks for looking. I have been playing with Blender for a few hours. I am making progress. I just have to get resolute about learning Blender and stop going to Wings 3D by rote.

If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.