Forum: Blender

Subject: How to Make Money with Blender

Lobo3433 opened this issue on Dec 15, 2020 ยท 63 posts

LuxXeon posted Sat, 16 January 2021 at 11:51 PM

Yeah, a lot of people will do everything they can to extend the length of a video because midroll ads can't be displayed until a video is 8 minutes long. Used to be 10 minutes until recently. So if a person only has 5 minutes of actual content and they want to squeeze some money out of it, they'll use a bunch of filler to extend the run time. I personally never saw a need to do that, because I tend to talk too much and overexplain everything anyway.

My channel was growing pretty fast back in 2017. I was seeing a daily average of 100 new subscribers for a period of a few months, and that's when I started taking things more seriously. I added a short intro to all my uploads, I developed a "brand" style appearance to every intro, and actually invested in some better audio equipment to help improve the narrations. Things were moving so fast, I just couldn't keep up with it. I found that updating more than once a month was not something I could do, and that just wasn't going to be good enough to keep the algorithm happy. Not to mention, I had gained most of my subscriber base prior to Youtube adding things like the notifications bell, which means only a fraction of my subscriber base would see my new videos through notification. This meant that new uploads would not gain traction quickly unless I promoted them through social media, but that just isn't enough. You need it to show up in recommendations, and the algorithm favors trending videos.

I haven't added a new tutorial in about a year now, and I don't know when or if I'll add new tutorials. I have a secondary channel where I upload animations but I doubt it will ever grow as much as the tutorial channel did.


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Instagram: @luxxeon3d