Forum: Poser 12

Subject: Poser photorealism and superfly skin setup needed please

AcePyx opened this issue on Jan 10, 2021 ยท 163 posts

DCArt posted Sat, 16 January 2021 at 11:26 PM

Most of the issues you are raising are more an issue with textures rather than with the shader setup. I thought this was a thread about how to set up the shaders in SuperFly. My shader has changed since the example that caisson posted, so I will update the example when it's done.

The "evenness" of the skin tones and sheen of the maps are more attributed to the maps, but as these are meant to be merchant resources for people to start with, I kept them as neutral as possible. The more individuality you "bake" into the base, the harder it is for people to "unbake" it out. It's far easier for people to ADD to a merchant resource than to take away from it. Hopefully that explains the reason behind the "smoothness" of it all. Pores and imperfections are unique to the individual, but if you have a neutral base to start with it's so much easier. 8-)