Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Opened Poser 10 today... libraries replaced by a flashplayer icon.

johnthepatriot opened this issue on Jan 12, 2021 ยท 119 posts

Azath posted Sat, 16 January 2021 at 7:05 PM

As for poser 9 I do not have it installed and I do not have a serial for it so I can not check why it is having issues running with Air. I just use the Pro versions of Poser and still have all of them running from Poser 4 up. but I have to say that you might want to think of upgrading at least to poser 10 up . ( Poser Pro 2014 ) as you get additional support for Weight map witch has not been built in Previous versions. Poser 5 and 6 are great if you have older scripts like the Environment Creator Deluxe and some other great ones that can help creating stuff for Newer Poser versions. But I think for most that still use Poser 9 if you can get a hand on Poser 10 2014 it would be a great alternative . No Internet activation no Kill switch like poser 11 and 12 is having and full support for almost all best pytons that have been made in the past. We all know what happens one day or another if there are control freaks behind a program. So you have to think about it as Poser 12 is still not finished and until the final stable release is done it might take a looong time.