Forum: Poser 12

Subject: Poser photorealism and superfly skin setup needed please

AcePyx opened this issue on Jan 10, 2021 ยท 163 posts

caisson posted Sat, 16 January 2021 at 3:44 PM

As a general observation, and purely my opinion, the problem with photorealism as a goal is that the closer you get to it the harder it becomes. Like RedPhantom says, if one thing is not quite right it will destroy the entire illusion. One reason that the scanned heads look so realistic is that they are quite dense topologically with a lot of detail in the geometry; they would be difficult and in some ways impossible to rig and animate. Every detail is particular to the way they are, like a statue.

A Poser figure is a very different case as it is designed to be generic and non-specialised - to be posed realistically or not, to be morphed and scaled, to be rendered as animation or still image, in high resolution or not, in close up or not. It is intended to be all things to all users, to be as un-particular as possible. It is impossible for creators to anticipate every particular, so to go from a versatile and generic figure to a particular photoreal render will inevitably take some work to achieve.

That's not to say that vendors can't improve, or figure creators, or Poser itself though.

@Okhi - good luck with Painter, it does have a learning curve and the online docs aren't great, but there are loads of video tutorials for it. I like the work you've been showing so I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do with it!


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