Forum: Blender

Subject: How to Make Money with Blender

Lobo3433 opened this issue on Dec 15, 2020 ยท 63 posts

LuxXeon posted Sat, 16 January 2021 at 3:12 PM

@wolf359 Now that looks really interesting. An animated web series based on something popular could be a real winner. I'll keep an eye out for that.

@Torquinox Yeah, that's kind of how I got started with my tutorial channel. I would show how to model the objects I had been creating anyway for sale. Then I would see those same models for sale, competing against my own, in the markets I sell in. haha. Again, the problem is more than just recording your work. Unless you're doing live streams on Twitch or Youtube, pre-recorded footage will often need lots of editing and some artistic input to help it catch on. You'll also need to keep talking while you're working and have a good mic to explain your process as you go (if you do it live). If you narrate over your work, then that once again requires post editing.

Workflow walkthroughs are cool, but people prefer to watch those live. The most successful tutorials rarely last longer than 10 minutes, because it's mostly showing how to do one or two things. A walkthrough, like you are watching, is a little different, and not quite as many people will sit through hours of a workflow.

Just for a little perspective, my longest video is about a half-hour long. Still, the average watch times on my videos, according to analytics, are just a few minutes. People usually skip the parts they already know and look for the parts they're interested in. That's why it's a popular trend now to add timecodes to your videos so people can jump right to the parts they have the most interest in. There's also a trend now where people blast through an entire scene creation in just a minute or so, and that's the actual hook of the whole thing. "Create this scene in five minutes or less" is a popular trend now. Obviously, not intended for absolute beginners but surprisingly popular.


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Instagram: @luxxeon3d