Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Opened Poser 10 today... libraries replaced by a flashplayer icon.

johnthepatriot opened this issue on Jan 12, 2021 ยท 119 posts

ratscloset posted Fri, 15 January 2021 at 10:30 PM

For Poser Pro 2012 and 2014 users, there is the option to use External Library, which was the AIR Library. This may be able to be turned on in Poser 9 and/or Poser 10, I honestly can not recall. Poser 11 did not use Flash or AIR, though it was in one of the earlier installers, but disabled. Poser 12 does not use Flash or AIR.

Some security software will scream at you if Flash and/or older Adobe AIR is on your system from some reports I have had. I would not be surprised if an update in the future blocked it from even existing on a newer system.

A note on AIR...

In June 2019, Adobe announced it would begin transitioning ongoing support and development of Adobe AIR to HARMAN. Adobe will continue to provide support for versions 32 and earlier until the end of 2020, as support will be managed by HARMAN. It was eventually rebranded as simply AIR.

Unless you plan on updating, you may find AIR Library not working at some point in the near future.

aka John