Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Opened Poser 10 today... libraries replaced by a flashplayer icon.

johnthepatriot opened this issue on Jan 12, 2021 ยท 119 posts

Naneth36 posted Fri, 15 January 2021 at 5:13 PM

@ Azath once it is set to "0" it will reset it self every time from "1" back to zero in Poser 9 ! so to fix this issue make your change and set it as LIBRARY_IS_AIR 1 , after this step save, right click the Poser.ini, in Property change the value to write Protected, run poser and the library will work. Shut down Poser and take the hook off the write Protection of the Poser.ini now you can start Poser again and it will always load with Air.

Sorry to bother you again with this story but I need your help. I use Poser 9 and followed the instructions using Notepad but I'm lost at this point : "change the value to write Protected".issue in Notepad-3.JPG