Forum: Poser Python Scripting

Subject: RenderCacheLocation?

FVerbaas opened this issue on Dec 20, 2020 ยท 9 posts

structure posted Sun, 20 December 2020 at 8:33 PM Forum Coordinator

the rendercache was moved to the users documents folder.

it used to be in poser.PrefsLocation():rendercache

this is a routine I used to find it on the current computer

    def get_rendercache( self, event = None ):
        poserprefs = poser.PrefsLocation()
        docsOld = os.path.join( poserprefs, "RenderCache" )
        if os.path.exists( docsOld ):
            return docsOld
        docsNew = os.path.join("Documents", "Poser", "RenderCache")
        available_drives = [('%s:' + os.path.sep) %d for d in string.ascii_uppercase if os.path.exists( '%s:' %d )] 
        os.environ[ "DOCS" ] = os.path.join(os.environ['USERPROFILE'], docsNew )
        docs = os.environ[ "DOCS" ]
        if not os.path.exists( docs )  :
            for drive_letter in available_drives:
                docs = docs.replace( docs[0:3], drive_letter )
                if os.path.exists( docs ):
                    return docs
                    docs = os.path.join( drive_letter, docsNew )
                    if os.path.exists( docs ):
                        return docs

this is the windows version - you will need to edit

available_drives = [('%s:' + os.path.sep) %d for d in string.ascii_uppercase if os.path.exists( '%s:' %d )] 

for macOS

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