Forum: Community Center

Subject: Asleep at the Wheel...again

Lenord opened this issue on Dec 07, 2020 ยท 17 posts

Lenord posted Sun, 13 December 2020 at 7:59 AM

@4407265 Actually this morning the image is gone along with that Mystery comment and everything seems fine the login problem is even gone??? from the get go I had a suspicion that last no-name empty comment was the source of the problem since friends have site mailed they can't comment on the image after that, there's no comment box. It also could just be a confluence of things my deleting the image and the Coders finally making a fix dunno doan care I just wish TPTB would just stop treating members like mushrooms, keeping us in the dark and feeding us sh!t, because a true explanation of what's going on is as good as a fix as long as we know what's happening.

Remember...No matter where you go there you are