Forum: Poser 12

Subject: The unmentioned death of DSON importation...

JAG opened this issue on Nov 17, 2020 ยท 144 posts

JAG posted Sun, 22 November 2020 at 9:46 PM

Deecey posted at 9:40PM Sun, 22 November 2020 - #4405546

Always on the attack, aren't you?

And I have no idea who is responsible for the Wikipedia page.

The art of debate is lost in this socialist feel-good era I suppose. Yes, I'm on the attack as this is an open debate. Pick a side and battle! Stop whining because I shoot your points down or don't agree with them. The idea of debate is to win with facts and if the opponent continues to fend off facts, you move into the realm of psychology - from which you try to knock them off their game and make them rethink their own positions. You've failed at both so far. You fact-check me and I counter it and so you get smarmy and I don't care - smarming right back. You're not winning the debate at all. In fact, by whining about me being on the attack (technically defensive since it's my thread and you all came in and attacked my position and points without invitation) - you've just made yourself look even more childish. My thread and my points. You all entered it willingly and began to attack me and mine. You don't get to call me out for being aggressive with my defense. This pot of water boils...if you can't handle the heat, I'd urge you to climb out and take your chances on the burner.

Stand up and debate like you got some. If you lose, nod and step away like a man. If you win, you may tap-dance on my proverbial face. But don't resort to childish insults and jabs. That's just sad for you.