Forum: Poser 12

Subject: The unmentioned death of DSON importation...

JAG opened this issue on Nov 17, 2020 ยท 144 posts

DCArt posted Sun, 22 November 2020 at 5:10 PM

randym77 posted at 5:09PM Sun, 22 November 2020 - #4405526

Heh. He claims to have experience with Poser back to the mid-'90s, and says anyone who doesn't should shut up.

But...I would think anyone who really did have experience from the mid-90s would remember that Poser 5 gave us the hair room and the cloth room. They were a big freakin' deal. The first dynamic cloth I used were dresses made for Judy and V3.

And the face room as well. I wrote the docs for those three chapters. But I'm the idiot, pay no attention. I must have imagined it. ;-)