Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: What Do You Want in a Poser Figure?

EClark1894 opened this issue on Nov 16, 2020 ยท 19 posts

oldingr posted Mon, 16 November 2020 at 5:45 PM

I used Poser from version 3 to version 11. I love how the interface works, Lots of things are built in (Face room, Material room, Simple morph control of mesh's, Posing, animation. I have a huge library of Poser Products (large investment). So why did I leave poser for Daz3 Studio

Genesis 3-8 characters ported into Poser is a real pain. Daz Studio is Free, Products are NOT and they are more expensive (A trade-off) IRay render engine, dForce -amazing way to make clothes, hair etc. drape correctly. Hair looks way better and now is capable of using dForce. Beautiful and diverse characters from all races and ethnicity and any character can be any age, shape and size while looking the way intended. Water that looks like water and can have dynamics AutoFit that works 95% of the time Clothing conversions from Genesis to Genesis 8, protects your investment. Surface textures and map control L.I.E HDRI Real Sky-domes with internal lighting capability. Mesh lights Massive library of products Morphs load without having to select individually or manually.
Smart Content. Lighting controls are incredible and is huge plus New Elements animation.

These are just my thoughts and as Poser gets better I will keep my eye out, I have a very warm spot inside for the Poser Software. I would Love for Poser to move forward, It still has a good base and vendors come up with some amazing things I would love to see DAZ Product Compatibility that would really make it shine.