Forum: Poser 11 / Poser Pro 11 OFFICIAL Technical

Subject: I give up on Poser. Officially.

karibousboutique opened this issue on Sep 21, 2019 ยท 44 posts

BabaBozo posted Fri, 04 September 2020 at 4:31 PM

Gotta say, while I personally am enjoying 11.3 currently (new user, can't compare to any other version), I must agree that this new world where the software companies retain control over the software even after you've paid for it in full is not a welcome development.

I have no complaints with Bondware or Renderosity, but what if they sell Poser a few years from now to some company who isn't so great? Point being, it seems our licenses depend entirely on the good will of not only the current owner of Poser, but every future owner too. In other words, we don't actually own the software, we're renting it for a one time fee.

This would seem to be kind of a big problem for any company whose business model is built upon selling asset add-ons for the software. As example, I only paid $80 for Poser so whatever happens I can live with it, as that's a totally fair deal. But will I invest $1000 in asset add-ons knowing they could all be yanked away at any time?

Back in the 90's I built and owned a small list hosting company which I sold for significant dollars to a much bigger company. They all seemed like smart good people at the time of sale, but within 6 months they totally trashed the service to the point of collapse. Stuff like that does happen.

PS: Thanks to the above for introducing this newbie Poser user to Reality, looks pretty interesting.