Forum: Blender

Subject: Blender 2.8 and Above Tips Tricks and Tutorials

Lobo3433 opened this issue on May 08, 2019 ยท 78 posts

Torquinox posted Fri, 19 June 2020 at 1:30 PM

I found a hard-surface modeling tutorial from CG Cookie. It's from June 2018 and takes place in B2.79b, but the discussion of modeling techniques transcends version. It's the video translation of a livestream. It's long, too. But it's a good discussion with an overview of different hard-surface modeling technologies and examples of problem-solving for subdiv techniques. The bevel tool is very important there!

There are 2 more parts demonstrating how to model a vehicle. Part 2 is exterior, part 3 is interior. I have not watched them yet, but I expect they will be illuminating.

If the videos seem too long, I recommend turning on the CC and cranking up playback speed as much as comfortable. For this, I was ok 2x. If you can't follow the action, then turn it down. But people speak very slowly in tutorials!