Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: PoserFusion help after update?

dugpa opened this issue on Oct 13, 2019 ยท 53 posts

wolf359 posted Tue, 14 April 2020 at 8:00 PM

Lightwave 3D has an excellent FBX importer. its material system requires alot of adjusment to Poser/Daz imported content however.?

I was seriously considering migrating my Character animation rendering pipeline from C4D over to my second hand seat of Lightwave 2015...until Blender 2.8x arrived and Blew everyone out of the water.?

It is understandable that Bondware would not committ any further resources with export plugins to the major 3DCC's considering the small number of poser user who actually own /use those other programs.

If one has the cash ,the Reallusion Character creator3 pipeline imports V4/M4 & HW Dawn into Iclone with perfect fidelity where you can FBX or Alembic to anywhere from there.??

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