Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Candle Flame Shader For Firefly... (Use Postwork Answer Is For Cowards!)

3dcheapskate opened this issue on Mar 05, 2020 ยท 100 posts

3dcheapskate posted Thu, 05 March 2020 at 7:52 AM

AmethystPendant posted at 8:45PM Thu, 05 March 2020 - #4382603

My only concern would be that the bottom of the flame seems a bit flat, is this a single plane, in which case seeing it from a different angle might be an issue, though you could still have a 90 degree billboard both with the same mat I suppose, really nice work

The flame is actually a sphere - I've never really liked the 2D billboard approach. The different flame shapes are just a couple of very quickly (and badly) created morphs.

The flatness you see at the bottom is probably something to do with the way I'm using v_texture_coordinate to control transparency.


The 3Dcheapskate* occasionally posts sensible stuff. Usually by accident.

*also available in ShareCG, DAZ, and CGBytes flavours.