Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Candle Flame Shader For Firefly... (Use Postwork Answer Is For Cowards!)

3dcheapskate opened this issue on Mar 05, 2020 ยท 100 posts

3dcheapskate posted Thu, 05 March 2020 at 5:00 AM

Thanks infinity10 and EldritchCellar. After spending a fair while playing with this I can't really trust my own judgement. So having some positive responses from a few other people, both here and at Hivewire, is a good sign that I'm on a reasonable path.

Regarding motion blur - my feeling is that (thinking of cameras here) if the shutter was open long enough for motion blur then the flame would probably whiteout (or whatever the photographic term is - burnout? saturate?) in the image. However, I just tried using the in-Poser motion blur:


The 3Dcheapskate* occasionally posts sensible stuff. Usually by accident.

*also available in ShareCG, DeviantArt, DAZ, and CGBytes flavours.