Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: New Poser Wishlist

EClark1894 opened this issue on Jul 07, 2019 ยท 589 posts

NikKelly posted Tue, 03 March 2020 at 11:07 PM

I've already pleaded for FBX imports to, like OBJ, have option to scale relative to default Poser figure. After spending far too long on a 'binary chop', I've just identified an imported FBX robot as a fleck at ground-zero. From that, took but a few iterations to import at 2000% scale. Uh, why so long ? Well, robot did not come in as a figure with hierarchy, just a heap of parts that could not be scaled en-masse, or easily selected for deletion. Worse, if LaFemme (+swim-suit) was in scene for scale, the import took her name for its body-parts and a non-intuitive hunt ensued...

This bot was not fully rigged, but I've yet to meet an imported FBX that may be posed freely in Poser.