Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: New Poser Wishlist

EClark1894 opened this issue on Jul 07, 2019 ยท 589 posts

Retrowave posted Tue, 11 February 2020 at 11:59 AM

Afrodite-Ohki posted at 11:48AM Tue, 11 February 2020 - #4379723

Retrowave posted at 6:01AM Mon, 10 February 2020 - #4379394

I don't know if they added an 'Inflate' brush to the Poser Morph Brush types since Poser 10, but I'm quite fan of the Poser Morph Brush once I hide a lot of the unneeded geometry to boost the performance, and the amount of times I wished there was an 'Inflate Mode' among the brush types, doesn't even bare thinking about.

Setting it like this will do pretty much that.


If you mean an Inflate like Zbrush's, I mean. Pull set to Surface will move polygons out, and turning Average Normals off means it'll do that in the direction of each poly's normals.

Cheers Ohki, that's kinda what I mean in so far as it uses the normals direction, and that's the brush I have to use, but it's just not the same as having an actual inflate brush, at least, not in Poser 10 it isn't. I prefer an inflate brush for things like lips and eyelid thickness, stuff like that. It can be done with the brush you show, but it's a lot more tedious than a proper inflate brush would be.