Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Any good soft body bullet physics tuts for Poser 11 Pro?

Anim8dtoon opened this issue on Feb 09, 2020 ยท 9 posts

EClark1894 posted Mon, 10 February 2020 at 4:53 AM

Afrodite-Ohki posted at 5:45AM Mon, 10 February 2020 - #4379724

Bondware owns the old webinars. It has been stated that they will work on reuploading them with time.

To be honest, I'm starting to doubt that. It's been almost six months since they stated tht they would eventualy put them online, and since then they've started making a new series of webinars.

As for the OP, Renderosity does have a Bullet Physics and Cloth physics Tutorial for Poser.

Try Lesson 6.