Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Poser Apple future Mac OS compatibility

DalekSupreme opened this issue on Aug 02, 2019 ยท 55 posts

shante posted Tue, 28 January 2020 at 12:40 PM

A 2010 MacBook Pro started having GPU problems (computer reboots as more and more work is done in prepping files in Poser (and other apps now). THe idea of having to spend $3000 again on another computer (3rd in 10 years!). Because GPUs were created in series there is no fix for it no matter what because ALL the GPUs used were of the same defective series). SO Buying a new computer is the fix. Unfortunately that will kill ALL my apps. What I never understood was if those apps have been for 10 years 32bit were they working fine on my old MacBook pro running in 64Bitt but won't run in Catalina and a newer MacBook running in 64Bit?

So reading here and elsewhere I can run the newly updated Poser 11+ on a 64bitt MacBook (I have not purchased yet) will I be able to transfer several of my Runtime folders to use with it in 64 bitt and open older Poser fiiles on the new platform?