Forum: Virtual World Dynamics

Subject: VWD V2.x pre-release beta discussion

VWD_dan opened this issue on Jun 25, 2019 ยท 117 posts

VWD_dan posted Thu, 28 November 2019 at 3:01 PM

yvesab posted at 2:56PM Thu, 28 November 2019 - #4371615

The latest beta is working really well and the overall speed is really enhanced. What's still missing is a good descritpion of all the options available ! Yves

Did you happen to look at the updated Program Guide pdf? There's not a lot of 'howto', but the available functions should be described in better detail, as well as some warnings and hints as to their use. Tutorials are in the pipeline, but the descriptions should be enough to help inspire experimentation.

Please let us know if you find the descriptions ambiguous, wrong, or vague, etc. That's part of what we hope to learn from you beta users.



VWD website:  -  VWD support:

Current VWD Versions:   Release: V1.1.522.3630 – 2017/05/18 11:52,    Beta: V2.2.908.6404 beta – 2019/11/24 9:34 (exp 2019/12/28)

Qualifier: Yes, I'm helping Gérald with VWD, No, I'm not yet an expert on its use!