Forum: Virtual World Dynamics

Subject: VWD V2.x pre-release beta discussion

VWD_dan opened this issue on Jun 25, 2019 ยท 117 posts

VWD_dan posted Thu, 28 November 2019 at 2:24 AM

nicely done! - both the dynamics and the overall result! bravo!


VWD website:  -  VWD support:

Current VWD Versions:   Release: V1.1.522.3630 – 2017/05/18 11:52,    Beta: V2.2.908.6404 beta – 2019/11/24 9:34 (exp 2019/12/28)

Qualifier: Yes, I'm helping Gérald with VWD, No, I'm not yet an expert on its use!