Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Does Rendo's Poser 11.2 Allow working offline?

consumer573 opened this issue on Oct 11, 2019 ยท 139 posts

EClark1894 posted Wed, 27 November 2019 at 6:30 AM

gate posted at 7:27AM Wed, 27 November 2019 - #4371383

There is a little conflict going as If I bought a Serial from Smith micro , Smith micro can not sell your licence to another one and is at that moment bound with a contract to you. If I sell my licence to another Person then the agreement is valid between me and the one I sold it to. So Bondware could buy Poser but the contracts are only valid for future Licences but not for the ones sold by Smith micro , else it would mean that Bondware bought your Licences without making an agreement with you. if they force you it would be a expropriation !

The Car dealer can not sell the car he sold to you to another Person , unless it is a new Law In the US that allows it , it would be a "expropriation"

But Bondware DID buy your licences. Remember that the main point of the update was transfer all those licenses to the Bondware Server and rebrand the software. SM can't give you access to software that they no longer own. Otherwise they would have just left their server online... period.