Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Does Rendo's Poser 11.2 Allow working offline?

consumer573 opened this issue on Oct 11, 2019 ยท 139 posts

gate posted Tue, 26 November 2019 at 6:06 PM

movida posted at 12:47AM Wed, 27 November 2019 - #4371328

Well gate, I gave it a try and emailed SM just now, I thought I had done this previously. We'll see what happens and thanks for posting that little bit of info ) will be great to hear what SM has to say ... I have my 11.1 version working just fine offline meanwhile and if they are willing to offer this alternative for there Customer it would be just fair, else there would just be the need of a little more Pressure. the whole thing is not going the right way and I think it should be cleared up, I believe that Bondware has a good sense for right and there should not be any reason to blame them if they have nothing to do with the way it went with these older Licences, unless it was an agreement that the older Licences have to be shut down then for sure both would have to be blamed.

I also noticed that even that if one has a Permanent licence that somehow there were attempts to shut down these running versions to force to change to the Bondware versions I think that if such a attempt happen it would be an attack on Personal Computers !