Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: PoserFusion help after update?

dugpa opened this issue on Oct 13, 2019 ยท 53 posts

gate posted Mon, 14 October 2019 at 5:06 PM

@ dugpa

Your option would of been to block the call home feature and keep the old install , if you still have the 2014 Poser installed then you might be lucky. either by blocking it to call home with firewall or adding " " in your host file. at least this method would of saved your Installation

alternative if you really depend on the Poser Fusion Plugins for your Projects then you probably will only get it through a crack to get em to work.

I also depend on quiet some features that were removed in Poser 11.2 and could save my Old version to keep it running .... also dislike it that there has to be a Pyton Hack in this new Poser version to let your old expensive Pytons work and it is not even guaranteed that it fixes all of them.

every update is a full installation and a reinstall ( nor very healthy for the registry in Windows ) and there were quiet a few the past weeks ! not to mention the call home feature if you want to have it removed for a while you need to beg for it and give some reasons .. sure not my thing !! even heard that one had an issue after 3 tries and the Key expired he had to spend another 100$ to get a new licence as he had some projects going !!! Not sure if a rumor but if true than sure not a fair business ...

this whole situation might sure push quiet some people to either get a Hack for their old versions or jump onto another Programm ( I would assume that it would be the first of the two choices as else it could be a great loss of Investments on Licences for poser models )

so if your business is in ruins due the changes ....a support ticket and the response so far appears to be, "sucks to be you." then sure I would do anything to save my Projects " Got a Legal lifetime Licence for what I bought " so if there is no way around then the hack might be the medication for the problem to be solved !