Forum: Poser 11 / Poser Pro 11 OFFICIAL Technical

Subject: I give up on Poser. Officially.

karibousboutique opened this issue on Sep 21, 2019 ยท 44 posts

karibousboutique posted Sun, 29 September 2019 at 12:53 PM

structure posted at 12:29PM Sun, 29 September 2019 - #4364754

Yes, but the "upgraded" libraries pane broke my workflow and I stopped using Poser 11 less than 2 weeks after buying it. I was immensely frustrated that the "improvements" got in my way. Truth told, my complaints are not terribly relevant anymore, since I haven't had a genuine Poser workflow in at least a year -- I just don't use it anymore. Still, it was nice knowing that I had it available if needed. If I ever feel the driving need to use Poser again, I'll have to fumble with 11. Snarlygribbly's Reality workaround at least allows me to use Lux again.

I do not understand how "the "upgraded" libraries pane broke my workflow" Poser 11's library can be detached the same way poser 2014's library could be detached, as can all of the windows. Perhaps there is something different that you mean than way I read this?


Nothing can be done about your Game DEV version, simply because SMITH MICRO, not Bondware closed the licence servers. It is never going to work again. Bondware are doing all in their power to make sure everyone has a legal working copy of poser. Making poser into a viable, usable program is something the entire Dev team are continuously working on.

If you want to run Game Dev, Bondware cannot help you, only Smith Micro can do that.

I am completely aware of what the problem is and I know it will not be "fixed" in any way that satisfies me. Smith Micro might run the old license servers, but since they aren't talking to my computer and SM is unwilling -- or legally unable -- to reset license activations on their server, I am stuck with software that is either one generation older or newer than the one I have been using for the last four years. Knowing what the problem is does not solve it. And since Bondware owns ALL licenses for the software (as stated by both SM and Bondware), it really is their service issue. They may have inherited it, but it's still theirs to solve -- or, as is obviously the case, ignore.

I have used the Adobe Air library plugin since it was integrated back in... 2010? Is Poser inoperable without this plugin? No. Is it cumbersome to me, personally? Yes. Having a, separate, floating, "stays on top of other windows" Library window MATTERS to my workflow. I understand that you can use the Adobe Air library to browse through Poser 11, but you cannot use it to add items to a runtime. Since I had no reason to embrace Superfly and Poser Pro 2014 had pretty much everything else I needed, I just reverted back to 2014 after deciding I disliked Poser 11. There's probably another third-part library manager that would work for me, but honestly, it's a moot point now. Poser 11 isn't new, by any stretch of the imagination. If the functionality didn't grow on me in the years since I bought the software, it isn't going to magically become comfortable to me now.

I truly do understand that my single quirky issue isn't going to influence any development decisions. But I also understand that I have arguably better software with better content from a different company that was free and works better for me at this point. Bondware may want to retain and/or draw former users of Poser back to using it regularly. I wish them the best. I will, however, be uninstalling the non-functional software from my machine and will not be using it anymore. If they manage to develop something amazing with Poser 12, I can re-evaluate my choice then. In the meantime, I'm done looking for assistance or validation. I won't be getting the former and don't need the latter.

Intel Core i7-8700 6-Core 3.2 GHz (4.6 GHz Turbo), 32GB RAM, two GeForce GTX 1080 Ti GPUs

DS 4.10, Photoshop CC and CS6, Poser 11 Pro, Vue 2016, CarraraPro 64bit, Autodesk Inventor, Mudbox, and 3DS Max

One in 68 children is diagnosed with autism.  One is mine.