Forum: Poser 11 / Poser Pro 11 OFFICIAL Technical

Subject: I give up on Poser. Officially.

karibousboutique opened this issue on Sep 21, 2019 ยท 44 posts

RedPhantom posted Sun, 29 September 2019 at 12:40 PM Site Admin

side by side.jpg

I really don't see the issue with how 11 is so different from 2014. Here they are side by side. I was able to set them up almost identical. Things are a little smaller in the 2014 version because it was on a smaller monitor. (Hence the black line) I really can't see how you could love one so much and so vehemently hate the other. They are so close in behavior and can be set up similarly.

Your rant is the equivalent to taking a broken coffee maker back to the store for an exchange and being told they no longer make that model so they give you the next best machine, but it's not exactly the same so you throw a fit.

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