Forum: Poser 11 / Poser Pro 11 OFFICIAL Technical

Subject: I give up on Poser. Officially.

karibousboutique opened this issue on Sep 21, 2019 ยท 44 posts

karibousboutique posted Sat, 28 September 2019 at 9:04 PM

Hey, Bondware -- you're supposed to fix this for me!! Smith Micro got back to me faster than you did!!

Thank you for contacting Support. The Poser Product line is now being developed by Bonware and As the developer and distributor for Poser, they will be able to assist you with all questions about your Poser Product. This includes Activation and application usage, as well as accessing installers and updates.. All questions and reports of issues should also be directed to their Support Team here:

I already contacted support. I was told to upgrade to 11.2, which I DID DO. Nobody is willing to fix this issue and I'm beyond fed up with it. I DID follow all pertinent instructions BEFORE SM stopped maintaining its licenses. I was unable to get it to work then and am still unable to get anything except Poser 11 to work now.

This is crap. I take back what I said about not doing dramatic rage-quits. I've owned Poser longer than any of the last FOUR software companies who developed it. I've been a shopper here for just as long. And it's crap that nobody is willing to flip the stupid digital switch that lets me OPEN MY FREAKING SOFTWARE.

Seriously. FIX THIS.

Intel Core i7-8700 6-Core 3.2 GHz (4.6 GHz Turbo), 32GB RAM, two GeForce GTX 1080 Ti GPUs

DS 4.10, Photoshop CC and CS6, Poser 11 Pro, Vue 2016, CarraraPro 64bit, Autodesk Inventor, Mudbox, and 3DS Max

One in 68 children is diagnosed with autism.  One is mine.