Forum: Poser 11 / Poser Pro 11 OFFICIAL Technical

Subject: I give up on Poser. Officially.

karibousboutique opened this issue on Sep 21, 2019 ยท 44 posts

karibousboutique posted Sat, 28 September 2019 at 2:53 PM

Richard60 posted at 2:50PM Sat, 28 September 2019 - #4363179

Or if you really want to keep using PP2104GD go to sign in and Under Licenses find your Poser 2104DG serial number and make it permanent. Will last as long as your computer remains running. This server should stay up as it is also where SM houses their MoHo Licenses.

This definitely did NOT work. Now I can't open the program OR dump the clients anymore. (I tried clearing the clients and starting the program before making it permanent -- this did not work.) Now I have a read-only license that still won't open on my machine. The software is so old that it was registered on 2 other machines that don't even exist anymore due to hardware failures and upgrades. I'm still very fed up at this point.

Intel Core i7-8700 6-Core 3.2 GHz (4.6 GHz Turbo), 32GB RAM, two GeForce GTX 1080 Ti GPUs

DS 4.10, Photoshop CC and CS6, Poser 11 Pro, Vue 2016, CarraraPro 64bit, Autodesk Inventor, Mudbox, and 3DS Max

One in 68 children is diagnosed with autism.  One is mine.