Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Thread for those new to Hivewire figures

Glitterati3D opened this issue on Sep 22, 2019 ยท 139 posts

mmalbert posted Mon, 23 September 2019 at 7:09 PM

I'm a dedicated dial spinner, and though I only use DAZ Studio I'm posting a bunch of dial characters created with the Hivewire morphs sets that are available in BOTH DAZ Studio and Poser formats. It's true the HW figures don't have as many morph options as the old Generation 4 (V4/M4 etc) did, but you can still get a lot of "character" out of what is available.

All these were made with various combinations of Dawn's Starter Morphs, Dawn's Head Shapes, the Head Morph Resource Kit for Dawn, and Dawn's Creature Heads. Again, all available at the Hivewire store in both DS and Poser formats.

Folks might not care for my aesthetics -- I'm drawn to strong or striking faces rather than conventionally pretty ones -- but hopefully they'll show some of the potential variety available.

First off, the default starter base for the purposes of comparisons:




Carol -- this one originally made use of some free DS-only morphs, which I removed, and then I added in a bit of standard NoseSlope:


Dina, my attempt at a Native American woman:


A slightly creepy fae, which uses a bit of the creature head morphs:


Jayne, who also uses a bit of creature morph dials:


More in the next post...

My freebies page has moved: RedEyeCat