Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: P3do Explorer

cabled opened this issue on Sep 19, 2019 ยท 18 posts

Miss B posted Sun, 22 September 2019 at 3:55 PM

Hi Yarp, mostly I use P3DO to convert old RSR thumbnails to Png format when I come across a product I purchased years ago. Right now I don't have any that need that, but I just opened it, and clicked through a bunch of folders, and the content of each folder is displaying properly, so I can't imagine the Tools aren't working as well.

That said, I'm still on Win7Pro, and the OP didn't mention what OS he's using. It might be an issue with a combination of PP11.2 and Win10Pro.


OK . . . Where's my chocolate?

Butterfly Dezignz