Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Free stocking+leg shader

bagginsbill opened this issue on Nov 08, 2007 ยท 245 posts

tastiger posted Fri, 09 August 2019 at 12:20 AM

WandW posted at 3:20PM Fri, 09 August 2019 - #4358992

They disappeared years ago. I posted a link in the thread to the stocking shader about 5 years ago...

Edit: I can't seem to make it a live link...

Many Thanks

The supreme irony of life is that hardly anyone gets out of it alive.
Robert A. Heinlein

11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-11900K @ 3.50GHz   3.50 GHz
64.0 GB (63.9 GB usable)
Geforce RTX 3060 12 GB
Windows 11 Pro