Forum: DAZ|Studio

Subject: Easy way to install all Daz content

PaulHairy opened this issue on May 22, 2018 ยท 49 posts

PaulHairy posted Thu, 21 March 2019 at 11:23 AM

Hi All,

I have just released another major update. A summary of this update is as follows:

  1. Modified Free version - Unsupported files are no longer removed from install folder.
  2. Modified Settings dialog to prevent blank fields.
  3. Fixed problem with addtolist function.
  4. Fixed Registry problem that was affecting new users.
  5. Replaced Open file button with refresh list button
  6. Improved File verifier tab functions.
  7. Logo is now animated while the program is busy.
  8. Fixed issue were DAI_updater was not closing main program before updating.
  9. Fixed problem on website that was preventing the automatic download from working in some browsers.
  10. Improved message dialog. The dialog now has red button for the option that is not the default.
  11. Added Payment received page to website that gives clear instructions on how to activate.
  12. Added Getting Started page to website that gives clear Instructions on how to set up the program.
  13. Added links to the above two new webpages to the help menu in DazAutoInstaller.

If you have any problems or you have any comments, Please feel free to contact me.

