Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Figure Setup Simplification?

MNArtist opened this issue on Nov 17, 2018 ยท 4 posts

adzan posted Sun, 18 November 2018 at 12:04 PM

Not quite sure which stage of the setup your at,

if you're rigging then you have a couple of options - the set up room or using a Hier File (A Heir File is the old way of setting up figures but is useful for things like tails, buildings etc - you set up a text file with the rigging and use that instead of the setup room - See page 1061 of the Poser Reference Manual )

if you've already rigged then something like 3dcheapskate Freazypose will help - download link

Forum discussion link(SmithMicro) -

or Hivewire3D link -</https:>