Forum: Carrara

Subject: what project yoo workin on today?

MistyLaraCarrara opened this issue on Jul 21, 2018 ยท 85 posts

diomede posted Mon, 30 July 2018 at 6:20 AM

Thanks, Ashleyvs. Always appreciate encouragement.
Today, I think I am going to revise the rigging of some of my custom figures.

Some very experienced software developer incorrectly stated that a Carrara rigged figure cannot have two actions at the same time. Turns out that a Carrara-rigged figure can have dozens of NLA tracks applied simultaneously, maybe even hundreds, but must pay attention to order of preference if actions for the same joint or morph are stacked. Hey, we are all wrong sometimes. But then I found out that this person does not have Carrara installed and does not currently use Carrara (if the user's posts are to b believed). Pretty rude and obnoxious to frequent a forum for software not installed and not used, and then knowingly make false assertions. Wasted a lot of my time.