Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: PP2014 and PP11 Crash Loading High Poly Count Scenes

MNArtist opened this issue on Jul 23, 2018 ยท 6 posts

knyghtmare2021 posted Tue, 24 July 2018 at 5:40 PM

TheDarkerSideOfArt posted at 5:39PM Tue, 24 July 2018 - #4333654

How can they do that if the scene doesnt load in 2014 nor in PP11 ? The exact thing happen to me but I just took it as it somehow got corrupt while saving it out. I still have that file and would also like to know,how to open it..when Im unable to access it thru poser (because itll crash poser in my case...just stay there as if it is..but just doesn't until Poser freezes and I have to forcefully stop it)

Hmm. When phrased that way, it sounds different from what I've experienced.