Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Dynamic cloth - the cloth room For Compleat Dummies

RobynsVeil opened this issue on Dec 03, 2010 ยท 409 posts

FVerbaas posted Sat, 16 June 2018 at 12:52 PM Forum Coordinator

@RobynsVeil: I am with you there. Conforming just does not do the trick for end result unless it is for skin-tight underwear. I am even more lazy and use Marvelous Designer as simulation engine. This allows me to use the original definition with flat cloth state for strain zero and original fabric properties definition.

Yes, I know about the MD startup price tag and I sincerely hope someone in the Blender community will pick up the bridging possibilities:

This should be enough to set all the garment related part of the simulation parameters in Blender.