Forum: Vue

Subject: Vue Studio 2016: Issues With Imported Objects from 3DS

John_Matthews opened this issue on Jan 04, 2018 ยท 9 posts

John_Matthews posted Mon, 08 January 2018 at 6:44 PM

TheBryster posted at 6:04PM Mon, 08 January 2018 - #4321866

Unless I'm mistaken there seems to be the same issue with the tip of the starboard wing too. While the first render appears mostly shades of blue, the artifacts in the following renders appear to be the same blue. Could this be a lighting problem? Without any textures at all, what does the model look like?

Hey, thanks for responding! Actually the blue part on the end of the starboard wingtip is part of the model that hasn't been textured yet. The blue color is a background I was using in PS while making the preliminary camouflage texture.

The values in the first render looked off likely because I had gamma cranked up too high in 3DS. I just posted it to demonstrate the textures for the model weren't tearing in 3DS, the program in which I created the model.

The artifacts are blue in the second and third renders because that's the blue background for the textures I was using in PS (which help me determine whether I have anything in the texture painting misaligned, or just plain off in the UV map). It's a preliminary texture, but I wanted to see how it would look in Vue and the results were what you saw in the above renders. I have no idea why an entire canopy frame, to which a texture map was applied, would be all black. Nor do I have any idea why there would be black artifacts elsewhere (e.g. the gun port).

Since then I've imported the model piece-by-piece to try to make educated guesses about what was happening. Some pieces (the fuselage, clear canopy glazing, cockpit tub, and exhaust/air brake petals) are imported .OBJ objects. I found that I should not use the slider to increase the mesh density (in the "edit object" field) in any amount as I believe that is what was possibly causing the tearing problem for the fuselage. In using that slider is Vue, I guess, increasing the number of polys in the object (similar to 3DS meshsmooth/turbosmooth)? If so that would, I suppose, explain some of the tearing.

I imported the canopy frame as an .OBJ object and was not at all able to correctly apply my texture to it. However, if that same part was imported as a .3ds object I could apply the texture to it just fine. Same for the horizontal stabilizers. The .OBJ object horizontal stabilizers had to be swapped for .3DS objects for them to look right. Why? I have no idea. Anyway, this is what it looked like in Vue yesterday evening after adjusting sunlight and ambient lighting a bit:



The texture seems to be okay now, but I've no idea why I'd have to import one format over another for the parts to look better or for their textures to appear properly.