Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Pauline 2 Thoughts - Renders

Dave-So opened this issue on Dec 18, 2017 ยท 36 posts

tiggersprings posted Tue, 19 December 2017 at 3:07 PM

I like the fact that European Pauline has bold, non-overly plucky-plucked-looking brows. Or even worse: brows that look like they were shaved off and drawn back on with crayon or marker. LOL Maybe it's because I once knew a gal that was constantly plucking her brows--on an O.C.D-self-harming kind of level--and then would spend forever re-penciling them... I can't stand the over-plucked and redrawn look. Yay for the occasional boldly proud female eyebrow. ;)