Forum: Blacksmith3D & Texture Transformer Support

Subject: Why Is She Blue?

shannonsuzanne opened this issue on Jun 23, 2017 ยท 8 posts

fly028 posted Sat, 24 June 2017 at 2:00 PM Forum Moderator

Hello shannonsuzanne,

Thank you for your screenshots.

In poser, as you can see in the "Blue image", diffuse color is set to blue. No map is attached to this channel. It means that certainly the map is attached to the alternate diffuse channel or just that the artist forgot to turn diffuse color to white while saving its presets for eyes.....(I can understand, it's a long process and sometimes, we only control the concerned settings and checking that everything is working fine in the context...we are only humans :-))!! Just go to the shader, turn all the diffuse color to white and save again, it should correct it.

Best regards,