Forum: Carrara

Subject: carrarActor - genesis 3

MistyLaraCarrara opened this issue on Mar 21, 2017 ยท 166 posts

wilgrfx posted Mon, 29 May 2017 at 6:38 PM

MistyLaraPrincess posted at 6:13PM Mon, 29 May 2017 - #4306225

jeanne and eddie are the skin textures that come with the genesis 3 starter essentials.

their ds shader presets are aoa shaders, aoa shaders are dark in carrara.

i think most of us are loading the maps manually in carrara, and then saving it to carrara's browser tray.

i like to use the carrara shader shown in 'holly wet circuit's specular hightlights video tut. originally found it on carraracafe site. good stuff there!!!

Holly Rocks! Perhaps I'll take a look for later also. Right now fingers is twitching... haven't modeled anything in a few days... and need to create something for the current Carrara Challenge.

Do 3DL textures for skin also use AoA? Just bought a G3F Char, uses 3DL, from Digital Creations.

Also I hasa lot of skin shaders bought for Carrara only.

Hmmmm. AoA = AgeOfArmor... hehee