Forum: Blacksmith3D & Texture Transformer Support

Subject: Hair creation tool!!!

MrFiddles22 opened this issue on Apr 18, 2017 ยท 31 posts

fly028 posted Fri, 21 April 2017 at 1:07 PM Forum Moderator

Hello Lululee,

The manual is still under construction, it's only a beta and it's time consuming to write a good text and get good screenshots. It will be complete soon. As i mentioned in another post, example project are missing in the first release, i did send a mail to the team to try to correct the package. AS there were many changes during the process of creating the "hair tool", maybe the team is doing new example projects matching to the latest build.

I describe rapidly the process for creating hair (above in the discuss) if it can help.

Hope it replies,

Best regards,