Forum: Carrara

Subject: DAZ forum broke

manleystanley opened this issue on Jan 12, 2017 ยท 10 posts

manleystanley posted Thu, 26 January 2017 at 2:47 PM

Was checking out the DAZ forum; burnt on my games and bored as hell, and saw something truly sad. A thread I started back in 2013 is the 12th thread on page 1. We all saw the demise of carrara coming, we saw what DAZ did to the once most powerful Bryce. We watch DAZ lay hexagon to rest before it had a chance to walk. How many other apps has DAZ bought out to crush under it's foot? mimic? When was that last time that got an update? Almost 5 years with animate2 Is DAZ doing anything now except brokering content?