Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Getting the best from Poser's Cloth Room.

EClark1894 opened this issue on Jan 10, 2017 ยท 55 posts

EClark1894 posted Wed, 11 January 2017 at 7:08 PM

SamTherapy posted at 7:56PM Wed, 11 January 2017 - #4294933

Yep, I figured out the dense mesh thing but by a different set of rules. I don't know if dynamic cloth uses the mesh directly or if it does micropoly distortions in a similar way to displacement. But anyhow, I reckoned that the denser the mesh, the smoother the folds.

The fingers and toes tip is a damn good one.

More than anything, I'd like to have a go at a dynamic cape for a Batman character. Maybe one for Robin, too. Then they'd really be the Dynamic Duo. :D

I think Disney and Pixar have the best rule when it comes to things like animated hair and capes. Treat them as their own characters. You ever notice how you never see Batman's cape just hanging. It's always billowing out. Even Superman's cape hangs sometimes. Anyway, you two choices for capes, depending on what you want them to do. If I want the cape to hang or drape, I'd used the Cloth Room and play with the Cloth parameters and settings. If i want it to billow like Batman's cape, i'd use the Bullet Cloth feature Poser.