Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: How Reliable do you find DSON Import of G2F in Poser?

joeannie opened this issue on Jun 14, 2015 ยท 52 posts

ssgbryan posted Wed, 30 November 2016 at 12:31 AM Online Now!

threedplayer posted at 11:27PM Tue, 29 November 2016 - #4291115

That's weird, I've been using DSON with G2F for a long time and never had problem, at least not significant enough that I can remember. Never had any problem with morph or anything. The DSON version that I use is It's the older version because according to rumors, the newer version has problems.

It isn't a rumor - the 1.2 version causes a divot in the neck and one of the ankles.